investment consultant for complex instruments type 1 is allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products without complex features and products with high risks or complexity of all types. Ex
, permissible to be offered to institutional investors and high net worth investors, either directly or through intermediaries. Due to the instruments? characteristics of high risk and complexity, the investment
following details: (1) in cases where the mutual fund has a policy to invest in assets of the infrastructure business which are the rights to future income or the rights under an agreement to share future
policy : - Utility charges : According to the rates announced by Saha Group Industrial Park, based on actual units or volume used - Business consultancy fees : Fees depending on the complexity level of
property in use - Business consultancy fees : Fees depending on the complexity level of such services - Warehouse management fees : Fees depending on the volume of transported products - Information
complexity level of such services - Advertising & public relations expenses : Expenses depending on the costs incurred in the advertising materials production, and the media costs selected for dissemination
, providing that the SEC will prescribe appropriate initial subscription by taking into account the instruments? complexity and risk level.At the first stage, the SEC will allow offer for sale of ?unrated bonds
allowed to give advice to investors about capital market products with non-complex features and investment units or debt securities with high risks or complexity, e.g., investment units of mutual funds for
with non-complex features and investment units or debt securities with high risks or complexity, e.g., investment units of mutual funds for institutional investors or ultra-high net worth investors
and legal consultancy fee Depending on the level of complexity of service. 7. Construction and renovation of existing building Depending on the design, building size, required materials and technique