since 2016, while the Indonesia market also began to generate early profit. Despite the positive sentiment in the oversea markets, the Company’s faced challenges from the sluggish performance in the
both SAP Business 1 and Oracle Netsuit for the more cloud savvy customers, we believe we will be well position to pick up businesses when the market sentiment improves. The recurring and non-recurring
2020/21, the Company sees a positive sentiment from the Prowtech’s operation due to a sign of recovery in Outdoor media demand. Therefore, MACO will initially invest 15.0% in VGI Vietnam from subscribing
resolution made on 22nd October 2019 approves residential property stimulus measures to support and ease the burden of those who wish to buy a home and to boost the domestic market sentiment. The transfer fee
moderated, while business and consumer sentiment worsened. As in Q2 also in Q3 the main lime consuming sectors of the industry were impacted by the macro economy. However, market feedback has given us
-China trade war and the depreciation of Yuan (CNY) against US dollar. Besides, the extreme fluctuation of crude palm oil price in end of 2019 affected buying sentiment to be drop as buyers waited for the
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