elevate good corporate governance of private sector, Transform the role of the Stock Exchange of Thailand into a commercial oriented, Reconsider the scope of securities businesses conducted by
กรณี IPO และ PO ของ บริษทัจดทะเบียนในกรณีปกติ (normal track) เท่านั้น ดงันั้น จึงตอ้งแกไ้ขขอ้ 5(1) เพ่ือก าหนดใหเ้ฉพาะกรณี IPO และ PO ของบริษทัจดทะเบียนแบบ normal track เท่านั้นท่ีตอ้งยืน่แบบ filing ผา่
of Foreign Auditors in the Capital Market (Fast Track) Clause 6(2) of the Notification of the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission No. SorShor 30/2558 Re: Approval of Foreign Auditors in
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committee The Board of Directors meeting No. 12/2017 of Nation Multimedia Group Public Company Limited held on December 28, 2017 resolved
channel management per the scope and conditions set by the BOT. Commercial banks are required to annually submit a service channel strategic plan and a report on their service channels to the BOT
project, "Dusit Central Park", is currently undergoing the demolition of hotel buildings and piling works. This demolition and piling are on-track with the plan to be completed in June and December 2020
project, "Dusit Central Park", is currently undergoing the demolition of hotel buildings and piling works. This demolition and piling are on-track with the plan to be completed in June and December 2020
currently undergoing the demolition of hotel buildings and piling works. This demolition and piling are on-track with the plan to be completed in June and December 2020, respectively. The Company plans to
. SorNorSor. 1/2562 (2019), Re: Regulations, Methods and Conditions for Personal Loan Business under Supervision, effective February 1, 2019, which contains salient points as follows: Extend scope for
borrowers, and remained vigilant on risks. Meanwhile, we mainly targeted borrowers with good track records or existing low-risk customers, while giving greater weight to digital lending. 2.2 Market Risk