กันความเสียหายจากการถูกแกไข ขอมูล (Modification) เชน การถูกแกไขจํ านวนหุน หรือราคาหุนของลูกคาระหวางทางที่กํ าลังสงขอมูล ผานเครือขายไปยังบริษัทหลักทรัพย การแกไขขอมูลของลูกคาในฐานขอมูลโดย
meeting, and has voting rights, excluded the vote of shareholders who has conflict of interest. Furthermore, there is a resolution passed to confer the power regarding (1) the determination, and alteration
determination, and alteration of the date, time, and venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting No. 1/2019, together with (2) the alteration or addition of the agenda of such meeting, as well as (3) alteration of
618 branches, where a total of 18 branches were opened, all of which are located in high potential areas both inside and outside the perimeters of service stations. With the COVID-19 outbreak, some
upon any members of executive committee (its agent), managing director (its agent) regarding the determination, and alteration of the date, time, and venue of the Extraordinary General Meeting of
to decrease the policy rate 0.25% per year from 1.75% per year to 1.50% per year that is the first time in 4 years. However investment from inside and outside of Thailand will be increased from this
required to adopt certain types of resolutions. I. Modification of Terms Disclosure of any provision relating to how the terms of the debt securities or rights of the debt securities holders may be modified
has decreased by 6.30% despite total hospital income from general patients increased 8.69% compared with the same period of last year. This is mainly due to the medical-service-fee adjustment caused by
causing the coin can only trade on Bitkub’s exchange and experiencing a very unusual price adjustment. Since Bitkub’s compliance system failed to supervise the product department to monitor the properties
initial quality of the financial statements before getting audited by auditors. If the financial statements are prepared correctly, auditors do not need to propose any adjustment. On the contrary, if the