ประกอบธุรกิจ สินทรัพย์ ดิจิทัล > แบบฟอร์มที่เกี่ยวข้อง > ภาคผนวก 3 รายชื่อ สินทรัพย์ ดิจิทัล และค่าความเสี่ยง SHARE : Detail Content ปี 2567 https://secsearch.sec.or.th/?search=%E0%B8%AA%E0%B8
Trust Digital Asset Business Operators Secondary Market and Related Entities Enforcement Class https://www.sec.or.th/EN/Pages/LAWANDREGULATIONS/CLASSACTION.aspx English (United States) Market Misconduct
investor contacts is unethical and violates the SET?s rules. Yet, the SEC frequently finds and is informed of such practice which may constitute misconduct opportunities against clients? assets through the
securities companies. Additionally, there were reasons to believe that Surat asked the client who accepted the executed transaction for a share of profits generated thereby. In the case of Saranporn
regulation. Key highlights included: (1) Utilizing AI to detect suspicious trading behaviors and potential misconduct, aimed at promoting transparency and strengthening investor protection, and (2) Building an
in case of complaints or issues on misconduct of directors or executives of listed companies under the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992) to enhance flexibility of work process and
auditor qualifications in relation to experiences and introduction of new measures and sanctions relative to levels of misconduct ranging from minor to serious. In addition, the approval criteria for
securities of his client without authorization. His misconduct caused his client more than one million baht in damage. The interference with the client?s assets contravened the Standards of Conduct under
violation of the rules. The SEC therefore suspended them from duty as approved investment consultants for one month. The aforesaid misconduct is in violation of Clause 20(3) of the Notification of Capital
her employer bank a report on her severe professional misconduct which was considered dishonest and unethical behavior in violation of Clauses 3(10) and (12) of the Notification of the Capital Market