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Administrative expenses. In Q2/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.27 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. In Q2/2017, after moving the production equipment to
. In Q3/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.26 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. After moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
. In Q3/2017 the Company recorded only the Baht 0.26 million temporary shutdown expenses in a part of Administrative expenses. After moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
-down expenses and Baht 2.37 million paid to retired and laid off employees in a part of Administrative expenses. In 2017, after moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
Baht 9.87 million temporary shut-down expenses and Baht 2.37 million paid to retired and laid off employees in a part of Administrative expenses. In 2017, after moving the production equipment to
recorded the Baht 22.92 million Administrative expenses which were the same Administrative expenses in the same period in 2017 After moving the production equipment to Prachinburi plant and utilizing the
taking the following actions: (a) collecting and allocating the client’s assets to the client ; (b) transferring the client asset account and the client’s assets to another intermediary ; (c) closing the