internal processes and developing employees’ skills to accommodate the task of underwriting loans with trees pledged as collateral. This may take some time in order to ensure that the value of collateral is
Governance “Governance” is the key driving SEC mission in supervising and developing the Thai capital market to reach its goal in creating sustainability in three dimensions: the SEC’s sustainability, the Thai
นกำรแบง่ตลำดอยูท่ี ่25.0% สงูกวำ่ผูท้ีไ่ดส้ว่นแบง่กำรตลำดล ำดบัทีส่องอยู ่ 2.9% - ในปี 2561 โครงกำร Fitness First (โครงกำรจัดท ำเพือ่เพิม่ประสทิธผิลและลดตน้ทนุโดยรวมของบรษัิท) ชว่ยลดตน้ทนุและคำ่ใชจ้ำ่ยได
equipment in response to the new normal stage. In addition to the fitness studios, Absolute Yoga also operates other businesses such as healthy food, hotel, management and franchise services which will
company has to recognise net income for discontinued operations separate from detail normal profit and loss statement. As beauty industry is in the red ocean many players including hospitals are developing
has to recognise net income for discontinued operations separate from detail normal profit and loss 2 statement. As beauty industry is in the red ocean many players including hospitals are developing as
. Since 2017, the property projects i.e. residential condominium and single home have been developed to serve the needs of all target groups. The Company started developing residential condominiums in the
among target populations, both in Bangkok and provincial areas, via appropriate channels, to support measures for long-term investment through provident funds and mutual funds, including developing
developing such branch, which HHC shall be entitled to decide for branch within 10 years) Zone Branches Franchise Period Eastern Zone where HHC already decided for branch development 9 2018 - 2029 Central Zone
November 1 , 2018, The Board of Directors of the Company has approved the Company for acquisition of land without a building at Phuket worth Baht 1,800 million. The Company has the idea of developing land