265 46.8% 23.4% 27.1% Office and Other 55 81 47.3% 7.1% 8.3% Digital Services 106 83 -21.7% 13.7% 8.5% Total revenue 772 978 26.8% 100.0% 100.0% The OOH media segment recorded broad revenue growth
offered on broad base. In 2H19, unlimited data pricing re-emerged in prepaid segment and continued into early 2020. As a result of unlimited data plans as well as continued shift of customers from prepaid
-month period compared to the same period of a year earlier. The main reasons was the weaken sales due to seasonal factors together with the impact of trade wars that have the broad impact on Thailand's
% 57.5% Outdoor 18.7% 25.8% 18.0% 24.3% Office and Other 8.2% 9.6% 8.7% 8.6% Digital Services 11.2% 9.8% 12.1% 9.6% Total revenue 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% The OOH media segment recorded broad revenue
% 7.8% 8.6% Digital Services 97 80 -17.2% 11.4% 7.5% Total revenue 852 1,077 26.5% 100.0% 100.0% The OOH media segment recorded broad revenue growth across all product groups. 1Q 2018/19’s revenue in OOH
to the same period of the previous year. The main reasons was the weaken sales due to the impact of trade wars that have the broad impact on global supply chain and through Thailand's exports. As such
; 0%Broad-based basket2  
2560 เอไอเอสยงัเน้นสรา้งความเป็นผูน้ าในธรุกจิมอืถอืโดยเฉพาะการใหบ้รกิารดาตา้ โดยวางแผนลงทนุเพื่อเพิม่ประสทิธภิาพของโครงขา่ย 4G และขยายการ ใชเ้ทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ในบรเิวณพืน้ที
2560 เอไอเอสยงัเน้นสร้างความเป็นผู้น าในธุรกิจมอืถือโดยเฉพาะการให้บรกิารดาต้า โดยวางแผนลงทุนเพื่อเพิ่มประสิทธภิาพของ โครงขา่ย 4G และขยายการใชเ้ทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ในบรเิวณพื้นที
sectors, consumption and investment continued to recover, though not yet at broad-based level. Domestic consumption recovered in the durable goods section especially in the vehicles and service sector from