8% 12% Non SET 50 individual stock/หุ้นต่างประเทศ นอกกลุ่ม large market capitalization 10% 20% Index 8% 0% Broad-based basket6 8% 4% Narrow-based basket7 8% 8% 3 General Market Risk หมายถึง ค่าความ
GBP and SBP to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is now available and aims to provide a broad frame of reference by which issuers, investors and market participants can evaluate the financing
activities that do not have a long term role to play in a low carbon economy and those that do. This is the foundation of a demarcated ‘transition’ label. In broad terms, we propose that: The green label be
mixture of wholesale and retail channels are being increasingly disrupted by the evolution of e-commerce as well as the aggregation and weakening of some of its traditional retail partners. There is a risk
promote integrity in the development of the Social Bond market by clarifying the approach for issuance of a Social Bond. The SBP are intended for broad use by the market: they provide issuers with guidance
consideration test, calculated based on the audited consolidated financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017. When calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past
calculated in aggregation with the disposition of assets in the past six months, the size of the transaction is equal to 43.18 percent which is equal to 15 percent or higher, but less than 50 percent, this is
แกร่งของคุณภาพโครงข่าย 4G ด้วยเทคโนโลย ี2-Carrier และ 3-Carrier Aggregation ขณะทีก่ารแขง่ขนัยงัคง มุง่เน้นการท าแคมเปญมอืถอืและใชก้ลยุทธท์างด้านราคา เพื่อรกัษาฐานลูกค้า เก่าและดงึดูดลูกคา้ใหมท่ีม่คีุณภาพ
capitalization 10% 20% Index 8% 0% Broad-based basket5 8% 4% Narrow-based basket6 8% 8% หลักการและเหตุผล : เน่ืองจากสภาพตลาดที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไป ท าให้ ความผันผวนของหุ้นในแต่ละกลุ่มมีลักษณะแตกต่างกันมากขึ้น การแบ่ง
investment in 2017 will focus on 4G capacity including the expanded deployment of 2-carrier and 3-carrier aggregation in key cities. Also, we will continue to encourage further smartphone adoption and