company had adjust the organization to be more compact and more cost saving. 6. Financial cost For Quarter 1 of the year 2020, the financial cost was 0.21 million baht compare to 0.44 million bath last year
current quarter of 19 THB mm • The impact of compliance the Thai financial reporting standards no. 9 and no. 16 result of reduced retained earnings by 8 THB mm (one-time adjust) As of 31 March 2020, the
has set although the company went through the situation of COVID-19. The company is also considered to be able to adjust the work process to be able to operate in accordance with the goals set. Cost of
therefore it is appropriate to adjust impairment items of the said assets in this quarter to be in line with trading prices set in purchase agreement EXPENSES % per % per % per % per Revenue Revenue % Revenue
that investors are fully informed, prior to making investment decisions, of the fact that the company will not adjust the exercise ratio or the exercise price upon the occurrence of such events. Clause
sector as mentioned above, the SEC will also have to adjust its role as a regulator, in terms of regulatory regime and work procedures. On the market supervision front, the private sector and market
in the market. As a result, the Company’s cost of raw materials cannot adjust to the market price continuously decline in time. Even though, the government has imposed the urgent measures to absorb
Thailand. E-mail: บริษัท เอไอ เอนเนอร์จี จ ำกดั (มหำชน) AI Energy Public Company Limited ทะเบียนเลขที่ 0107556000311 affected from the government’s policy to adjust the biodiesel mandatory
Administration (CFDA) at the beginning of 2 0 1 8 as the Company had to redesign its packaging to comply with the requirements of the license. Furthermore, the Company also found it necessary to adjust its sales
year to be in parallel with the plunge in sales revenue. Nevertheless, some of the sales expenses did not adjust promptly and did not fully mirror the slowdown in revenue as there is a lead time for