global economy volatility impacted to Thai Baht appreciation against major currencies, i.e. USD, have had negative effect to the export business while the importer took this opportunity importing products
%. Because in the past the market has increased the price competition. In addition, customers negotiate the price by referring to the decrease in world wheat market prices and the appreciation of the baht in
4,061 million, increased by Baht 702 million or 21% from 2018 mainly caused from the recognition of the operating results of the projects that the Company has invested and the commencement of commercial
policies of major countries and the Baht’s ongoing appreciation. However, the Thai economy has been supported by the expansion of private consumption, due to an increase in auto sales in the first half of
appreciation. Private consumption grew at a slower rate than in the first half of the year, especially spending on durable goods in line with a contraction in domestic vehicle sales. In response, the government
overall selling price decrease, especially for Caustic Soda due to the fall of its market price trend, plus impact from appreciation of Thai Baht against US Dollar. However, those negative impacts were
million, an increase of Baht 171.83 million or 5 8 . 4 9 percent, respectively. as result of the revenue recognition of Sun Express Logistics Pte. Ltd. for this year. The Company recognizes revenue from
) for Period (22,359) 5,232 (27,117) (518.28) Page 2 of 4 Year 2019, the Company’s revenue from sales and cost of sales increased when compared with prior year. Because the recognition of revenue and cost
fund. Instead, the following terms and conditions shall be contained in the covenants thereof: (1) the provisions regarding characteristics of the REIT and the management mechanism which state precisely
meeting shall clearly state the rationale for such amendment and the impacts on sukuk holders that have arisen or may arise to provide sukuk holders with information for decision-making; (6) in cases where