to purchase land and the copany make decision to sell for receive high benefit. So, the company will remain only land with lease contract for operating business. The details of transaction are as
distribution by using the proceeds from perpetual license of Japan market format as consideration for investment. DDInter intends to sell shares in the amount of 50% to Welcome Co., Ltd. which is not a connected
details are as follows 1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks and preferred shares are 1.1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks are 1.1.1. ALP OVERSEA PRIVATE LIMITED 4,125,000 Shares 13.06
details are as follows 1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks and preferred shares are 1.1. Parties who offer to sell ordinary stocks are 1.1.1. ALP OVERSEA PRIVATE LIMITED 4,125,000 Shares 13.06
information which might affect the qualifications of the company is concealed. Offering price for PP is lower than IPO after the date of application, the company is prohibited from offering to sell PP at a
/>2 Gold index 20% 50% 20%3
) completely and also certified the standard on Waste Process Enhancement Project for waste management operator in the gold medal level. For the real estate business, the Company was the sales amount from the
หน่วยลงทุน (“บล.”) โดยอนุโลม แต่ปรากฏวา่ LBDU บางรายตอ้งการส่ง ค าสั่งซ้ือขาย gold ETF ผา่นสมาชิก SET จึงมีประเด็นตอ้งพิจารณาวา่ LBDU ท่ีส่งค าสัง่ซ้ือขายหน่วยลงทุน ท่ีจดทะเบียนใน SET ผา่นสมาชิก SET ควร
B.E. 2546 (2003), the Securities and Exchange Commission hereby issues the following regulations: Clause 1 In this Notification: “goods” means securities, gold, crude oil or any other property as
eligible assets for investment, and being transparent and published appropriately). Gold price Part B: Information on the CIS Operator 10) Name of CIS Operator