อยูท่ีบ่รเิวณชัน้ B1 AQUARIA Phuket การเพิม่ประสทิธภิาพของสนิทรพัย ์(Asset enhancement initiatives) บรษัิทฯ ปรับปรุงศูนย์กำรคำ้เดมิ อ ย่ ำ ง ต่ อ เ นื่ อ ง เ พื่ อ เ พิ่ ม ประสทิธิภำพในกำรด ำเนินงำน อ
คุณภาพทางเครดิต (กรณีสินทรัพยเ์ป็นลูกหน้ี) เง่ือนไขในการเลือกสินทรัพย ์และมูลค่าของ กลุ่มสินทรัพย ์ประวติัการเรียกเก็บ กระแสรายรับจากสินทรัพย ์เป็นตน้ 1.4 การเพิ่มคุณภาพเครดิต (Credit Enhancement) 1.5 การ
initiated and implemented community development projects under the “framework of improvement of quality of life of the communities surrounding the power plants”, which ensures that the relationship between
spread (DTD/DB), and the improvement of Fuel Oil / Dubai (FO/DB) crack spread. However, due to the crude price drop in this quarter, there was an inventory loss of THB 1,010 million, leading to an EBITDA
to zero. Furthermore, the upcoming trend of disruptive technology has effected the power sector in Thailand especially the efficiency improvement of renewable energy and other smart systems such as
infrastructure investment will help support confidence and therefore encourage investment in the private sector. However, the sluggish improvement in agricultural and non-agricultural income as well as high
); (c) reviewing the system or measures and providing a plan for improvement of such system or measures in order to prevent recurrent failure of their performance; (d) reporting the operations as
significantly from THB 1,115 million in 2016 to THB 1,426 million as a result of the improvement of profitability and the exercise of 96 million units of MACO-W1 (Total of THB 192million). Going forward, we
purposes. As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, businesses had less cash-in-hand and were unable to raise funds from bond and capital markets as per the normal situation. The improvement in loan demand was
cash position of the trust; (b) the reserve set up for the following purpose; 14 1. the repair, maintenance or improvement of the infrastructure asset according to the plan specified in the registration