the disclosure notes to the audited 2017 financial statements no. 13 under “Investment Properties”). Table 3: Summary of Financial Position End of 1Q End of 4Q End of 1Q YoY QoQ 2017 2017 2018 Current
the life of the assets. The estimated fair value is THB 180,409 mn as of December 31, 2017 (stated in the disclosure notes to the audited 2017 financial statements no. 13 under “Investment Properties
latest financial statements reviewed by an auditor (โปรดเลือก และแนบเอกสารหลักฐานประกอบ / Please select and attach document(s)) □ มีส่วนของผู้ถือหุ้นตั้งแต ่100 ล้านบาทขึ้นไป หรือ / having shareholder
financial reporting standards applicable for financial statements covering the accounting period starting from or after Januaury 1, 2020 such as financial reporting standard no. 16 (TFRS16: Leases) and
6M2020 was THB 1,372.61 million, decreased by THB 2.97 million or 0.22% down as compared to 6M2019 mainly from lower revenue from sales. Financial position Assets For the consolidated financial statements
consolidated financial statements as of 31st March 2020. However, the company does not have asset acquisition transactions during the 6 months prior to the meeting of the Board of Directors when approving this
statements for the last six-month period ended June 30, 2020) which considered as transaction on disposition of asset category 2 thus size of transaction is more that 15% but less than 50%; CEN need to prepare
dividend payment shall still be made twice a year and is based on consolidated earnings and subjected to the availabil ity of retained earnings on the separate financial statements . In all cases, dividend
exchange rate of receivable under finance lease agreement, gain(loss) on forward contracts, insurance claim and gain from business acquisition. Change QoQ Consolidated financial statements Change YoY 2
the avai lability of retained earnings on the separate financial statements. In all cases, dividend payment shall depend on cash flow, investment plan including any other future obligations of the