แฝงท่ีเสนอขายนั้น (back to back agreement) (8) หลกัเกณฑก์ารค านวณดอกเบ้ีย เง่ือนไขอ่ืนท่ีเก่ียวขอ้งกบัการจ่ายดอกเบ้ีย และ/หรือ การช าระคืนเงินตน้ (ถา้มี) รวมถึงใหแ้สดงผลตอบแทนท่ีผูถื้อตราสารจะไดรั้บจาก
คียงกบัท่ีตอ้งช าระหน้ีใหผู้ถื้อหุน้กูท่ี้มีอนุพนัธ์แฝงท่ีเสนอขายนั้น (back to back agreement) กรณีเสนอขายตราสาร Tier 2 ท่ีมีเง่ือนไขการ convert to equity ใหผู้อ้อกตราสาร ดงักล่าวระบุรายละเอียดขอ้มูล
proposing opinions on such matter [back to the SEC Office]. In this regard, if the committee wishes for the person under consideration to provide additional elucidation, the SEC Office shall arrange for
to a stronger growth of trading partners’ economy, and in terms of prices on the back of rising global crude oil price. Tourism sector continued to expand, private consumption gradually increased
contract period. Reuse of heat lost back to power generator. To generate powerhouse from community waste. Able to be both of consultants and take the projects or even investors themselves if the project has
EOEG plant in the U.S. In addition, production of PTA in Asia rose by 7% year-on-year thanks to higher operating rates on the back of increased regional PTA demand. This was partly offset by lower
planned to utilize what the Company has invested and contribute back to break-even point as soon as possible, both in term of investment in human structure, organization structure, and investment projects
, the affected operations are now back online and operating normally. Management focus in 2020 will be to realize the synergy of the recently-acquired Huntsman assets, our IVOL gas cracker as well as our
shareholding structure, its major shareholder decided to buy back the shares to allocate them to the other strategic investors. After this divestment, Dusit Foods remains a strategic shareholder in NRF with a
shareholding structure, its major shareholder decided to buy back the shares to allocate them to the other strategic investors. After this divestment, Dusit Foods remains a strategic shareholder in NRF with a