by 20.8%. This represent net profit margin of 0.91%. The major reasons for the Company’s net profit increasing were the Company can achieve a higher total revenues and gain from fair value adjustment
baht or 25%. Due to increasing of project operation. 2. Other Income as 8.42 million baht by compared with the 10.97 million bath was decrease 2.55 million baht or (23%) the gain on sale of investment
%. The major reasons for the Company’s net profit increasing were the Company can achieve a higher total revenues and gain from fair value adjustment on investment property. Thus, the details of the
when compared to income from medical treatments went up 0.86%. due to expending employment increase to accommodate the number of patients is increasing. The cost of selling and administrative when
to increasing raw material costs as the prices of plastic resins had increased compared with the same period of the last year. 3. Other incomes decreased by 12.31 million bath, mainly coming from sales
. Besides, the Company had cooperated in organizing the E-Sport Competition. In addition, the Company has continuously provided caravan service for orchards according to the increasing number of caravans
million baht higher than the sixth-month period for 2018 by 23.0 percent. The reason for the Company’s incurred net loss was due to a decreasing in rental and services income and an increasing selling and
, FIREWORK. There were marketing campaign and promotions launched together with the new products which resulting to sale increasing. Gross profit margin increased from the same period of last year from 42.9
, increasing by THB 136.39 million or 29% up from the same period of last year. Details of revenue in each business are: - Entertainment and Marketing activities business increased THB 137.15 million, up 75
year was ฿ 35.35 million. This is due to the company and its affiliated companies’ increasing income from sales of online advertisements, sales of organizing, and sales of vocational training programs