law and having main objective in investment management, for example, the Government Pension Fund, Social Security Fund(9) Derivatives business operators/ derivatives business operators operated under
of fund raising and investment for the private sector and investors; so as to function as the main pillar for driving forward the economy to sustainable growth on par with international counterparts
. - Digital Economy: The government has approved in principle the initiation to mitigate obstacles and promote the digital asset ecosystem such as taxation inequality. This will lead to three main objectives
regulatory co-operation between the SFC and the SEC. The two regulators aim to work towards two main objectives: the mutual recognition of investment funds authorised in their respective jurisdictions for
, ending 30 June 2017 Source: World Steel Association Management’s Discussion and Analysis (MD&A) For Q2/2017 GSteel 6 The main raw materials (Pig iron, shredded scrap) the price movement of the main raw
% improved from 30.6% in 2017, from increase sales volume and improved production cost which was partly from an innovative cost saving methodology of the recycled treated wastewater. Our first Reclaimed Water
Profit Margins of excluding Other Utilities Revenue was 36.2% improved from 35.1% in 1Q2018, from increase sales volume and improved production cost which was partly from an innovative cost saving
the Company and its shareholders. Due to the biopharmaceuticals products for eliminate the water hyacinth are the new innovative products that has passed the researched and testing until find that can
ขึ้น (2) มีการนาํนวตักรรมมาใชใ้นการประกอบการ (innovative financial services) ซ่ึงสามารถช่วยแกไ้ขปัญหาหรือพฒันาการใหบ้ริการในตลาดทุนไทย หรือเป็นประโยชน์ ต่อผูล้งทุนไทยหรือตลาดทุนไทย (3) มีความพร้อมในการ
. เช่น สร้าง influencer จากกลุ่มนักศึกษา รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณปกติ - องค์กรนวัตกรรม Innovative Organization 11,880,250 รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณพัฒนาตลาดทุน - รายจ่ายท่ีใช้งบประมาณปกติ 11,880,250 25 พัฒนา