same last year. Please be acknowledged accordingly, Yours truly, (Mr. Sithipon Ratanaporn) Chief Financial Officer
informed accordingly. Sincerely yours, ( Mr. Tradsin Chongussayakul ) Chief Executive Officer and Acting Managing Director T Engineering Corporation Public Company Limited
informed accordingly. Yours Sincerely, (Mr. Chih - Hung Lin) Chief Operating Officer Contact: Company Secretary Office Tel: 0 2658 8881 บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน( 173 อาคารเอเซีย เซ็น
, Signature………………………………………………. (Mr.Suphanan Rittiphairoj) Chief Executive Officer Inter Far East Energy Corporation Public Company Limited
shareholders’ meeting. …/5 - 5 - The company hereby reports to the SET accordingly. Sincerely yours, Boondee Amnuayskul (Mr.Boondee Amnuayskul) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
. Boondee Amnuayskul) Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
. Please be acknowledged accordingly, Yours truly, (Mr. Sithipon Ratanaporn) Chief Financial Officer
still not recognize income Please be acknowledged accordingly, Yours truly, (Mr. Sithipon Ratanaporn) Chief Financial Officer
.,Ltd. Yours sincerely, ( Mr. Chuangchai Nawongs) Chief Executive Officer and President
. Huai Hui, Lee) Chief Operating Officer