ได้แก่ Positive หมายถึง อันดับเครดิตอาจปรับขึ้น Stable หมายถึง อันดับเครดิตอาจไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง Negative หมายถึง อันดับเครดิตอาจปรับลดลง Developing หมายถึง อันดับเครดิตอาจปรับขึ้น ปรับลดลง หรือไม่เปลี่ยนแปลง
Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission The Association means: (1) an association relating to a securities business, of which objectives is for promoting and developing securities business
: (1) an association relating to a securities business, of which objectives is for promoting and developing securities business, having obtained an approval to establish and having registered [such
such asset; “association” means the association related to securities businesses whose establishment is approved by and registered with the SEC Office with the objective of promoting and developing
ติอาจไม่เปลีย่นแปลง Negative หมายถงึ อนัดบัเครดติอาจปรบัลดลง Developing หมายถงึ อนัดบัเครดติอาจปรบัขึน้ ปรบัลดลง หรอืไม่เปลีย่นแปลง สถาบนัการจดัอนัดบัความน่าเช่ือถือ Fitch Rating ค าอธิบายการจดัอนัดบัค
and expecting fair procurement and contracting, including fair contract or agreement conditions, providing access to training, developing potential and enhancing production and service standards in line
investigation whether free float of listed SET companies effects on the shareholder wealth by developing the new sample group. These listed companies are mainly control by few families as the majority
Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) that is expanding and becoming more widespread around the world affecting both the global economy and the Thai economy severely in all aspects. In this regard, the company has
for clean energy, as the economy is still expanding. • The trend of natural gas prices has increased significantly during the first half of the year 2019 however is expected to fall during the second
% respectively. • The trend of electricity consumption during the later half of 2019 is expected to grow consistently, especially for clean energy, as the economy is still expanding. The company acknowledges and