considering the conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of the sale value. The Meeting considered that at present Weng Holding Company Limited is reliable and has a stable financial status, able to
, considering asset acquisition transactions for the past 6 months, 7UP maximum transaction size based on the Value of Consideration Criteria equivalent to 24.83 percent, which is considered from financial
, considering solely the interest-bearing debt, it amounted THB 38,606.3 mm, increased by THB 2,225.8 mm from THB 36,380.5 mm. The main reasons are as follows: 1. Increase in short-term loans from financial
transaction, by considering the conditions of the transaction, the appropriateness of the sale value. The Meeting considered that the disposal of Land and Buildings could reduce the debt burden of the Company
opportunity and suitable location since the Company will have experience from this partnership. The Company might decide to develop the project by itself or considering partnering with Thanasiri Group or others
of Thailand Re: Criteria, Condition, and Procedure in Considering an Application to Approve to List Newly Issued Ordinary or Preference Shares as Registered Securities B.E.2558, dated May 11, 2015 (as
months according to the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Criteria, Condition, and Procedure in Considering an Application to Approve to List Newly Issued Ordinary or Preference Shares as
traded on the SET for 6 months according to the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand Re: Criteria, Condition, and Procedure in Considering an Application to Approve to List Newly Issued Ordinary
difference on translating financial statements of owned hotels overseas following appreciation of the Thai baht against the USD and Peso. However, when considering the revenue of Owned Hotels overseas in local
million of the first six-month period of the year 2017 (restated), increasing by Baht 805.88 million, or 27.1 percent. Considering the effect of foreign exchange rate, the operating result according to the