Pte. Ltd., BCP Innovation Pte. Ltd., BCPR Co., Ltd. and share of profit from associated companies 6/ Others items and elimination As for performance in Q1/2020, Bangchak Corporaiton PLC. (The company
confirmation documents to make sure that they are truly issued by the banks or the asset management companies in charge, and to update their fund books (if any) in the following business day to prevent damage
, associated risks, criteria for returns payment and redemption, expenses and tax benefit conditions before making any investment decision to make sure that they would be entitled to receive benefits and would
other past behaviors demonstrating inappropriateness for acting as capital market business personnel. Investors are strongly advised to always verify transaction confirmation documents to make sure
to make sure that the personal data management is compliance with PDPA by creating Data Governance Policy and Guidelines for personal data protection management throughout the data life cycle
accounts regularly to prevent other persons from using the accounts to trade securities without the investors’ authorization. Besides, transaction conformation documents must always be monitored to make sure
make sure that they are truly issued by the banks or the asset management companies in charge, and to update their fund books (if any) in the following business day to prevent damage that may be caused
share < 60% / Tracking error ≥ 4%) E. Not sure. 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% Active style diagram (2017) Below 1.61 1.61 - 1.9 1.9 - 2.19 Above 2.19 Diversified stock
เสริมนวัตกรรมและการประกอบธุรกิจอยา่งมคีวามรับผิดชอบ (Nurture Innovation and Responsible Operations) 7 หลักปฏิบัติ 6 ดูแลให้มีระบบควบคมุภายในและการบริหารความเส่ียงที่เหมาะสม (Strengthen Effective Risk
วามรู้และบุคลากรของบริษัทฯ ในการท าโครงการโรงไฟฟ้าประเภทใช้กากน้ ามันเป็นเชื้อเพลิง ท้ังการ ออกแบบ ก่อสร้าง บริหารจัดการ และบ ารุงรักษา • GPSC รับ 2 รำงวัลยอดเย่ียมในงำน CFO Innovation Awards 2018 เมื่อ