this year, which was the weakest of Asia, prompting Thailand’s net return on investment after inflation to outperform regional peers. Finally, Thailand’s economic and financial stability was strengthened
SEC will also step up collaboration with international agencies, especially those in the ASEAN region to develop quality financial reporting of regional businesses to strengthen their competitiveness in
develop reporting frameworks, showcasing domestic, regional and international leadership. Foreword from World Bank THAILAND CORPORATE ESG DISCLOSURE Executive Summary This report presents an analysis of
Exchange To strengthen the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET)’s competitiveness and attractiveness in the regional and global context, the SEC has provided guidance and advice to relevant parties. An amendment
volatilities which are increasingly evolving and shifting at a rapid pace, repercussions grow as regional economies become more inter-connected. The Thai capital market needs the capacity to stay resilient and
rates to be on a volatile course. The Thai Baht steadily strengthened in line with other regional currencies while interest rates were declining, which could be attributed mainly to capital influx into
ผู้ให้บริการทางการเงินชัน้น าในระดบัภมูิภาค 11 3.3 กลุ่มลูกค้าและการให้บริการ ธนาคารยงัคงเปา้หมายในการเป็นธนาคารแหง่ภมูิภาค (Regional Digital Bank) โดยมุง่ขยายบริการทางการเงิน อย่างครอบคลมุถึงลูกค้าใน
enhancing the competitiveness of Thai financial institutions to enable them to offer a wide range of products and services at fair prices while supporting regional trade and investment with good governance in
hub, and to support the development of regional supply chains. The tensions created by the trade war between the US and China have led some supply chains to be shifted out of China to the ASEAN region
คำ้สดุยอด ระดับภูมภิำค (Super-regional mall) เพื่อรองรับควำมเจรญิฝ่ังกรุงเทพฯ ตะวันตก ย่ำนบำง ใหญ่ ตำมวสิยัทัศน์ทีต่ัง้ไว ้โดยภำยหลังจำกกำรเปิดอเิกยี บำงใหญ่ ท ำใหม้จี ำนวนลกูคำ้เขำ้ ศนูยก์ำรคำ้เซ็นทรัล