directors successfully executed a turn-around, and the company was able to invest in its drug pipeline again. However, it had entered a stage when it was failing to reach critical CRITERIA FOR “HEAVY
PowerPoint Presentation MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP MD&A Q1/2019 PAGE 1 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q1 2019 For Q1/2019, the EBITDA of the company increased by Baht 1,154 million or 118% from Q4/2018 and increased by Baht 646 million or 43% from Q1/2018. The increase was mainly due to improved operating results of the Sriracha Power Plant and the acquisition of GLOW also contributed to an increase in EBITDA by Baht 751 million. The net...
PowerPoint Presentation THE INNOVATIVE POWER FLAGSHIP OF PTT GROUP MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS MD&A Q2/2019 PAGE 1 MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION & ANALYSIS (MD&A) Q2 2019 For Q2/2019, the EBITDA of the company was at Baht 5,402 million, increased by Baht 3,273 million or 154% from Q1/2019, and increased Baht 3,771 million or 231% from Q2/2018. this is mainly due to the immediate recognition of GLOW’s performance after the acquisition of GLOW including Independent Power Producer (IPP), Small Power P...