percent per year including burden on the mentioned withholding tax expenses are higher than MLR, but the Company has too many 15 liabilities resulting high credit risk. Therefore, the Company is unable to
disposal will also help reduce the high-rate interest expenses since the Company can use the proceeds received from the disposal of assets to partially repay the debts. 7.4 This disposal of asset is a part
mainly from airline business as a consequence of slowly growth of international tourist arrival to Thailand, high competitiveness among airline industry and strengthening of Thai Baht. For this quarter
รมนั โปแลนด์ และ สำธำรณรัฐเช็ก ในช่วงที่กำรทอ่งเที่ยวเป็น Low Season ในประเทศไทย จะเป็นช่วง High Season ในยโุรป นอกจำกนี ้ในไตรมำสนีมี้โรงแรม อีก 4 แห่งที่เพิ่งปรับปรุงแล้วเสร็จที่จะช่วยเพิ่มรำยได้เฉลี่ย
-month period of this year, number of passenger increased by 3.6 percent which was result from adding flight frequencies in high demand routes at the beginning of this year, together with launching new
-month period of this year, number of passenger increased by 3.6 percent which was result from adding flight frequencies in high demand routes at the beginning of this year, together with launching new
the Company will repay the short-term debts with high interest rate and the debts that have assets of the Company as the collateral first. 7.3 The asset disposal above helps reduce the risk from the
private sector contribute a high demand of skilled workers and lead to an increase in household income and consumer purchasing power (Source: Bank of Thailand). Meanwhile, a rise in average oil price in the
ติภัณฑน์ ้าผลไมท้ีใ่ชน้วัตกรรมกระบวนการความดันสงู หรือ HPP (High Pressure Processing) ผลิตภัณฑ์นม อัดเม็ด กลุ่มสนิคา้ผลติภัณท์ของใชส้่วนตัว (Personal Care) และน ้ามะพรา้วมาล ีโคโค ่ชนดิบรรจกุลอ่งโฉม
promissory notes and to utilize as working capital. 7.3 The asset disposal above helps reduce the expenses of the high interest rate as the Company can use the money received to pay the relevant debts. 7.4