Annual Report 2006 Khon... the classical masked drama since the Ayudhya period (A.D. 1350-1767). It is performed to the epic of Ramayana, which portrays the war between Rama (the Righteous King) and Totsakan (the Demon King), the Conquer of Good over Evil. Khon masks... headdresses worn by Khon performers, the single most important character-identifying piece of Khon costume. The masks, now an invaluable export item, epitomize the exquisite beauty and unique elegance of Thai fine arts. In Suppor...
. Directors, Management and Controlling parties are i) possess qualifications and not possess any prohibited characteristics or any characteristics indicating a lack of appropriateness to be relied on to manage
qualifications and not possess any prohibited characteristics or any characteristics indicating a lack of appropriateness to be relied on to manage a company whose shares are publicly held in accordance with the
characteristics or any characteristics indicating a lack of appropriateness to be relied on to manage a company whose shares are publicly held in accordance with the relevant laws on securities and exchange or the
หลักการ กำกับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ป 2555 Good Corporate Governance The Principles of for Listed Companies 2012 หลักการกำากับดูแลกิจการที่ดี สำาหรับบริษัทจดทะเบียน ปี 2555 บทนำ บทนำ การกำากับดูแลกิจการที่ดีมีความสำาคัญต่อบริษัทจดทะเบียน เพราะแสดงให้เห็นถึงการมีระบบบริหารจัดการท่ีมีประสิทธิภาพ โปร่งใส ตรวจสอบได้ ซ่ึงช่วยสร้างความเช่ือม่ันและความม่ันใจต่อผู้ถือหุ้น นักลงทุน ผู้มีส่วนได้เสีย ผู้ท่ีเก่ียวข้องทุกฝ่าย และนำาไปสู่ความม่ันคงเจริญก้าวหน้า จึงกล่าวได้ว่าการกำากับดูแลกิจกา...
cycle, the SEC, therefore, concentrated on verifying the completeness of audit firms’ disclosures of their related parties and assessing the effectiveness of safeguards implemented by the firms to manage
, procedures to manage human resources, as well as size and complexity of engagements. These factors affected differences in structures of human resources among audit firms, as evidenced by the contrasting staff
relied on to manage a company whose shares are publicly held in accordance with the relevant laws on securities and exchange or the Securities and Exchange Commission’s regulations; ii) not be a person who
appropriate measures to manage the liquidity of the mutual fund shall be put in place; and (5) The criteria for redemption payment under subclauses (1), (2), and (3) shall be clearly disclosed in the prospectus
’ meeting; and (3) manage to convene the shareholders’ meeting in order to approve such transactions, where the resolution must be passed by the vote of more than 75 percent of the shareholder attending the