, since steel business at present could not earned much profit due to tax competition which is the obstacle for raw material import, therefore the import materials would be high price, the Company is in
Company. Enclosure For the Company’s business operation, since steel business at present could not earned much profit due to tax competition which is the obstacle for raw material import, therefore the
products such as steel, which is the main raw material in steel. In 2019, the steel price remained fluctuation, uncertain. Therefore, the Company has planned stock procurement to manage the changing of steel
raw material for electricity production, was not renewed. In addition, with the operation being discontinued for about 2 years, Akkrawat has to conduct public hearings in the neighborhood; and has to
the 3rd Quarter 2019. GFPT Group has policy to mitigate risks from foreign exchange rate volatility, which occurred from export sale and raw material importation by hedging forward contract from several
to Scope 1 and Scope 2 ➔ Purchased goods and services usually dominates the emission profile of retail industry, mainly from the procurement of products, intermediates and/or raw materials ➔ Depending
เข็มคาดว่าจะแล้วเสร็จ ตามแผนในเดือนมิถุนายนและธันวาคม 2563 ตามล าดับ ทัง้นีบ้ริษัทมีแผนที่จะขายอาคารที่พักอาศัย (Residence) หลงัจากก่อสร้างส านกังานขายและห้องชุดตวัอย่างเสร็จในช่วงกลางปี 2563 ส าหรับก า
ใช้ประโยชน์ได้อยา่งสงูสดุ - ปัจจุบนักําลงัเตรียมพร้อมการก่อสร้างตามแผนงานรวมถึงการจดัการเก่ียวกบัใบอนญุาตตา่งๆ สําหรับความ คืบหน้าทางการตลาด บริษัทได้ปรับแผนการตลาดของโครงการอาคารท่ีพกัอาศยั (Residence
on the cover page of the registration statement; (b) legal proceeding with the foreign entity because of no residence in Thailand, including court jurisdiction regarding prosecution and legal execution
issuer has been in operation, including name, country of incorporation or residence, proportion of ownership interest and, if different, proportion of voting power held. F. Patents, Licenses or Contracts