lending, commercial lending, corporate lending, Special Asset Management (SAM) or distressed asset management loan and other loans. The breakdown of total loan portfolio is as follows; Type of loans Dec 31
lending, commercial lending, corporate lending, Special Asset Management (SAM) or distressed asset management loan and other loans. The breakdown of total loan portfolio is as follows; Type of loans Dec 31
) เปนผูรับประโยชน และตองโอนผลประโยชนใหกองทุนรวม ดังนี ้ (1) การประกนัภัยความเสียหายตอทรัพยสินประเภท property damage และ machinery breakdown (all-risks insurance) - 9 - เร่ือง หลักการกองทุนรวมโค
17,735.2 20,595.8 23,899.1 21,731.0 26,255.2 The following tables sets forth a breakdown of the value of our NPAs by type as of the date indicated As of December 31, As of March 31, 2017 2018 2019 2019 2020
retail lending, commercial lending, corporate lending, Special Asset Management (SAM) or distressed asset management loan and other loans. The breakdown of total loan portfolio is as follows; Loans to
1,244.9 1,968.6 1,522.0 2,201.7 Moveable properties 186.1 214.7 214.9 214.7 215.7 Total 17,735.2 20,595.8 23,899.1 21,731.0 26,255.2 The following tables sets forth a breakdown of the value of our NPAs by
publicly disclosed, give the status of development. 2. A description of the principal markets in which the issuer competes, including a breakdown of total revenues by category of activity and geographic
generally have high failure rate. Figure 2: Proposed regulatory approach for ICO, comparing to other regimes • Since the proposed regime for ICO is for sophisticated investors and retail investors with an
* G. Consequences of a failure to make payments * H. Representative of debt securities holders ม.70 (4) ผูแทนผูถือหุนกู (ถามี) I. Meeting of debt securities holders * J. Modification of Terms * K
introduce any fact which has never been raised in the appeal except where the appellant can prove that failure to introduce such fact was due to necessity or special circumstance. The oral statement of the