ที ่ECF 2 035/2562 23 กนัยายน 2562 เรื่อง แจง้มตทิีป่ระชุมคณะกรรมการบรษิทัฯ อนุมตักิารเขา้ลงทุนซื้อหุน้สามญัของ บรษิทั เคพเีอน็ อะคาเดม ีจ ากดั การเพิ่มทุนจดทะเบียน การออกและจดัสรรหุ้นสามญัเพิ่มทุนเพื่อเสนอขายให้แก่บุคคลในวงจ ากดั การจดั ประชุมวสิามญัผูถ้อืหุน้ ครัง้ที ่1/2562 (เพิม่เตมิ ครัง้ที ่2) เรยีน กรรมการและผูจ้ดัการ ตลาดหลกัทรพัยแ์ห่งประเทศไทย สิง่ทีส่่งมาดว้ย 1. สารสนเทศเกีย่วกบัรายการไดม้าซึง่ทรพัยส์นิ (บญัช ี1) เรื่องการเขา้ลงทุนซื้อหุน้สามญัของ บรษิทั เคพเีอน็ อะคาเดม ีจ ากดั 2. แบบ...
market confidence and business integrity, which in turn is essential for companies that need access to equity capital for long term investment. Access to equity capital is particularly important for future
has ability to maintain the growth rate of asset base through economic lifecycle and turn investment into cash efficiently and effectively. BAM is also capable of managing and diversifying sources of
enterprises’ spending, and private investments driven by increased manufacturing capacities in many industries. Overall, the Thai economy will continue to grow, which in turn could be affected by the
participants. The IOSCO CRA Principles address four key objectives that are designed to promote informed, independent analyses and opinions by CRAs.2 This, in turn, is designed to promote the three core
affect the Company’ s revenue stream, the Company views this as only a temporary and short- term. This is an opportunity to turn crisis into our benefits from ( i) More NPLs will be auctioned out, which
this as only a temporary and short- term. This is an opportunity to turn crisis into our benefits from ( i) More NPLs will be auctioned out, which means a variety of selections and (ii) as more NPLs are
management of both financial and non-financial risks and opportunities provides investors greater transparency as to the implications for the value of their investments. In turn, this sets the scene for
China. Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (UNL95/DB), Jet (Kerosene)-Dubai crack spread (IK/DB), and Gasoline-Dubai crack spread (GO/DB) were especially affected. This turn of events have led the refinery
cost over the long term, which will in turn help reduce costs within the economic system.. Within this context, KBank and K Companies accentuate enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve