2.60274 COM7 248,967,641 10.37366 COMAN 19,210,299 14.33604 CPALL 40,792,313 0.45410 CPANEL 1,192,739 0.73094 CPAXT 33,480,642 0.31644 CPF 72,423,924 0.86080 CPH 67,601 0.16900 CPI 291,705 0.04610 CPL
68,859,544 4.68432 COLOR 15,329,200 2.60274 COM7 248,986,837 10.37446 COMAN 19,210,300 14.33604 CPALL 44,584,679 0.49632 CPANEL 1,233,741 0.75607 CPAXT 31,551,757 0.29821 CPF 72,826,005 0.86558 CPH 46,301
725,354 0.17020 CMR 3,528,497 0.08667 CNT 5,391,566 0.52452 COCOCO 64,326,544 4.37596 COLOR 15,329,200 2.60274 COM7 255,451,035 10.64380 COMAN 19,210,300 14.33604 CPALL 36,342,915 0.40457 CPANEL 1,271,041
59,523,885 4.04924 COLOR 15,328,906 2.60269 COM7 332,167,429 13.84032 COMAN 20,210,299 15.08231 CPALL 38,990,942 0.43405 CPANEL 1,241,181 0.76063 CPAXT 34,809,292 0.32900 CPF 69,481,382 0.82583 CPH 41,401
0.52184 COCOCO 52,870,843 3.59666 COLOR 15,338,902 2.60438 COM7 287,105,682 11.96275 COMAN 20,210,301 15.08231 CPALL 39,226,645 0.43667 CPANEL 1,004,341 0.61549 CPAXT 33,597,955 0.31755 CPF 68,422,017
Microsoft Word - Forestry Criteria document_July 2020.docx Climate Bonds Initiative Forestry Criteria Document Forestry* Criteria The Forestry Criteria for the Climate Bonds Standard & Certification Scheme November 2018 * These Criteria also cover the conservation and restoration of non-forested land Assessing climate change mitigation and adaptation aspects of financial products is not straightforward. The benefit of having an authoritative standard eases decision-making and focuses attention o...
et al. (2017) use panel regression methods based on data of 2,445 companies in 53 countries from 2003 to 2010 and report that companies in weaker market institutions exhibit more positive relationship
2.65 พาณิชย บริษัท ซิงเกอรประเทศไทย จํากัด (มหาชน) SINGER 143,200 5,692,200.00 5.02 บริษัท ซีพี ออลล จํากัด (มหาชน) CPALL 63,800 4,147,000.00 3.66 เทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสือ่สาร บริษัท อินเตอรลิ้งค
) CPALL 69,500 4,361,125.00 4.00 บริษัท สยามแม็คโคร จํากัด (มหาชน) MAKRO 60,956 2,453,479.00 2.25 บริษัท เซ็นทรัล รีเทล คอรปอเรช่ัน จํากัด (มหาชน) CRC 65,200 2,216,800.00 2.03 บริษัท โฮม โปรดักส เซ็นเตอร