paid-up capital after subscription of newly issued ordinary shares; 2. Mr. Viroj Tangjettanaporn of 19,550,000 shares, totaling Baht 27,370,000, equivalent to 5.01 percent of the registered and paid-up
Emerging Technology Risk Amid the proliferation of innovative technologies, new business formats have sprung up to accommodate changing customer lifestyles in the digital era. As technological innovations
(Integrity Pact) และโครงกำรควำมโปร่งใสในกำรก่อสร้ำงภำครัฐ (Infrastructure Transparency Initiative) กำรรณรงค์โครงกำร “ไม่ให้ ไม่รับ” ของขวัญปีใหม่ (No Gift Policy) โครงกำร เยำวชนตื่นรู้สู้โกง (Active Youth) และ
follows: 4.1 Allocating the newly issued shares to Mr. Nop Norongdej up to 156,666,667 shares, at a par value of Baht 0.25 per share Calculated from the Minimum Price as specified above, the offering price
per share. Details of which are as follows: 4.1 Allocating the newly issued shares to Mr. Nop Norongdej up to 156,666,667 shares, at a par value of Baht 0.25 per share Calculated from the Minimum Price