purpose to raise brand image among the new generations in alignment to the Group’s vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand”. The Group’s trademark will be the only player in local energy drink
realized in June and the rest will be realized in July 2018, with the purpose to raise brand image among the new generations in alignment to the Group’s vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand
realized in June and the rest will be realized in July 2018, with the purpose to raise brand image among the new generations in alignment to the Group’s vision of “World Class Product, World Class Brand
wait until the Cluster Ram KC 7 Phase 1 is sold out before developing townhome on Bueng Kham Proi. 3) Project Management Team plans to develop a new project on On-Nut Land to create image for the Company
to change the image of the brand, prospect customer and planned to change marketing strategy together with the management way for better efficiency. Therefore, the Company sold the right to claim of
, customer, and company’s shareholders. 8.4 Will create a good image for the company, by being able to contract with the government. 9. Conditions for approval The subsidiary company will only invest in the
efficient, transparent, and examinable, in a bid to promote confidence towards, and integrity and security of, the overall financial system, and to improve the competitiveness and image of the Thai capital
กกำรด ำเนินกลยุทธ์ปรับเปลี่ยนไปสู่กำรโฆษณำแบบดิจิทัล โดยเฉพำะกำรเปิดตัวผลิตภัณฑ์โฆษณำดิจิทัลรูปแบบใหม่ท่ี ใช้เทคโนโลยี เช่น Visual Recognition (VR) เพื่อให้ VGI สำมำรถน ำเสนอรูปแบบกำรโฆษณำได้อย่ำงสร้ำง
meeting. As for the electronic conferencing as per paragraph three, there shall be the information security process, namely, audio recording shall be required or both audio and visual recording, as the case
shall be required or both audio and visual recording, as the case may be, of all directors presenting in the meeting throughout the period of the meeting, including traffic data produced from such