materials have been effected from the weather condition making company unable to produce and export full capacity.The end to 2022, the company has prepared more than raw materials in advance in order to
Electronic System by 2 December 2024. The auditor expressed a qualified opinion on COMAN’s interim financial statements for the second quarter of 2024 because the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient
by 20 January 2025. The auditor expressed a qualified opinion on NRF’s interim financial statements for the third quarter of 2024 because the auditor was unable to obtain sufficient, appropriate audit
where service provider is unable to perform the outsource activities; and (iii) measures to prevent conflict of interest are also required. For outsourcing to a company in corporate group which is a
transactions caused both companies to become PAF ' s subsidiary company and affiliated company, respectively, but the auditor was unable to review and audit to satisfy such investment value.(2) The financial
unable to find sufficient evidence to justify the management's decision to execute transactions for investment in two associate companies. In addition, the auditor could not reach a conclusion for the
KITHA shares is classified as acquisition of significant asset and related party transaction, the shareholders? resolution alone was unable to satisfy the requirements under regulations under the
KITHA shares is classified as acquisition of significant asset and related party transaction, the shareholders? resolution alone was unable to satisfy the requirements under regulations under the
registered list of companies? directors. Thus, any company having such director who is no longer included in the registered list of companies? directors will be unable to offer securities for sale due to
specified on the website of the SEC Office. Clause 4 In case of a necessary ground causing the CIS operator to be unable to submit the sale report as prescribed under Clause 3 to the SEC Office within the