buildings and industry, low-carbon transport, bioenergy, water infrastructure and sustainable agriculture. The Standard is an environmental standard. It does not substitute for financial or other due
แบบแสดงรายการข้อมูลการเสนอขายตราสารหนี้ 1 แบบแสดงรายการขอ้มลูและรา่งหนงัสอืชีช้วนส าหรบัการออกและเสนอขายตราสารหนี ้ ทีอ่อกและเสนอขายโดยนติบิคุคลตา่งประเทศ Registration Statement for Issuing and Offering of Debt Securities by Foreign Issuer Commercial Name of the Issuer……………………………………….. Offering to…………………………………………………………………….. Features of Debt Securities i.e. interest rate/ offering unit /total principle amount/ par value per unit/offering price per unit etc. Credit Rating…………………………………………………………………...
substitute for the guidelines in Items (6) - (7), for example, conduct regular inspection of mobile devices, or if an employee violates the rules, impose a penalty or remove the access right to application
adopts other measures that are sufficient and a substitute for its non-compliance with the rules or conditions to be exempted. In granting an exemption under Paragraph 1, consideration shall be given to
their Market Value when satisfying Clause 5.7 Climate Bonds Standard Version 3.0 Draft - Second Consultation 15 5.8. Additional Nominated Project & Assets may be added to, or used to substitute or
substitute for the guidelines in Items (6) - (7), for example, conduct regular inspection of mobile devices, or if an employee violates the rules, impose a penalty or remove the access right to application
released financial reporting standards, or auditing standards. - Set out the policies to control and track the absent personnel or require the absent personnel to take the substitute course within the
ลเิบยี และไนจเีรยี ซึ่งเป็นผู้ผลติน ้ำมนัดบิชนิดเบำ (Light Sweet Crude) ท ำให้กำรผลติและส่งออกน ้ำมนัดบิลดลง ขณะที่กำร ส่งออกน ้ำมนัดบิจำกชัน้หนิดนิดำน (Shale oil) ของสหรฐักป็รบัลดลงในเดอืนกนัยำยนจำกผลก
company from complying with the rules and conditions to be exempted; (3) the management company has other measures that are sufficient and may substitute the compliance under the rules or conditions to be
company from complying with the rules and conditions to be exempted; (3) the management company has other measures that are sufficient and may substitute the compliance under the rules or conditions to be