getting well-informed of important information and reports and attending the shareholders? meetings to seek sufficient and necessary information for making investment decisions,? Mrs. Sirivipa said.
.?Trigger fund attracts a lot of investors? interest. This regulatory amendments aim to give investors an access to clearer and fuller disclosure of such funds before making a well-informed investment
information for investors and shareholders to make well-informed investment decisions and monitor company operation. _______________________________ ก.ล.ต. ให้ EIC ให้ความร่วมมือกับผู้สอบบัญชีและแก้ไขงบการเงิน
process, incentives or rewards to employees with good performance, and management measures for employees who do not achieve the targets. Such processes are well informed to executives and employees. 4.3 The
information of the ICO projects are 4 adequately disclosed in the white paper so that investors can make a well-informed investment decision, minimum disclosure requirements covering aspects depicted below
quality financial report is an essential tool that provides useful information for users of financial statements, especially investors, so they can make well-informed financial decisions. This type of
informed accordingly. Yours Sincerely, (Mr. Chih - Hung Lin) Chief Operating Officer Contact: Company Secretary Office Tel: 0 2658 8881 บรษิทัหลกัทรพัย ์เคจีไอ (ประเทศไทย) จํากดั )มหาชน( 173 อาคารเอเซีย เซ็น
well as significant events after offering for sale of the aforesaid financial instruments, and would prescribe organization of annual meetings in a similar way as required of listed companies. This is to
management of information technology systems as well as the security of the information system is an essential issue in order to prevent the risks that may occur from cyber threats. Therefore, SEC has
supervision and surveillance. In addition, all activities are subject to checks and balances as well as examination in a timely and appropriate manner. Another major mission that has become a national agenda