/Equity Ratio 0.78x 0.78x 0.70x Net Interest-bearing Debt/Equity Ratio 0.64x 0.64x 0.58x 1 Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the Net Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent by Revenue from
0.75x 0.69x Net Interest-bearing Debt/Equity Ratio 0.65x 0.58x 1 Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the Net Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent by Total Revenue and Share of Profit and
Exchange Gain/Loss and related tax, impact from TFRS 9 and TFRS 16 Accounting Standard and one-time accounting adjustment. 9 Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the Net Profit attributable to Owners
% 16.9% Debt/Equity Ratio 0.95x 0.69x Net Interest-bearing Debt/Equity Ratio 0.81x 0.58x 1 Net profit margin is calculated by dividing the Net Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent by Total Revenue
by dividing the Net Profit attributable to Owners of the Parent by Total Revenue and Share of Profit and other income Total Revenue In 2Q2020, Total Revenue was Baht 403.9 million, a 15.0% decrease
) while the total multi-products of fuel volume of FPT has increased by 10.1% (y-o-y). For the income proportion separating by business structure consisted of Aviation refueling services at 79% and Fuel
8 fuel services volume at BKK and DMK has grown by 1.4%(y-o-y) while the total multi-products of fuel volume of FPT has increased by 6.2%(y-o-y). For the income proportion separating by business
operating fund supervisor business, at least the followings, are or will be at the ready: (a) Systems for separating mutual funds’ assets from those of the fund supervisor’s, for attending and safekeeping of
the followings, are or will be at the ready: (a) Systems for separating mutual funds’ assets from those of the fund supervisor’s, for attending and safekeeping of such assets, and for internal control
the followings, are or will be at the ready: (a) Systems for separating mutual funds’ assets from those of the fund supervisor’s, for attending and safekeeping of such assets, and for internal control