ℎ㔎Ȏ䤎ⴎĎ㌎⬎ᤎᐎᜎ㔎䠎ⴎᤎ㠎എ㈎ᔎ䌎⬎䤎Ў㤎䠎⨎ㄎഎഎ㈎ᴎ䠎㈎∎ᜎ㔎䠎ℎ㔎⬎ᤎ䤎㈎ᜎ㔎䠎⨎䠎ℎⴎᨎ⨎㐎ᤎЎ䤎㈎⨎㈎ℎ㈎⌎ᘎ㌎⌎『䀎㐎ᤎ⬎⌎㜎ⴎ⨎䠎✎ᤎᔎ䠎㈎Ȏⴎ⌎㈎Ў㈎⨎㐎ᤎЎ䤎㈎숎 (settleꃂ戀礀숀 cash)ꃂ⬀⌎㜎ⴎᜎ㌎Ď㈎⌎⬎ㄎĎĎ┎ᨎ┎ᨎ⬎ᤎ㔎䤎ĎㄎᨎЎ㤎䠎⨎ㄎഎഎ㈎ⴎ㔎Ďᴎ䠎㈎∎⬎ᤎ㘎䠎⠀猀攀琀ⴀ漀昀昀⤀숀 แทนการส่งมอบสินค้าได้ꃂ䄀
companies, and pay expenses incurred in connection with the investigation of the offense.** However, they were not willing to settle the case with the SEC. The SEC, therefore, issued a letter to request
in the MahaNakhon Cube Building to KPM. (Translation) In this regard, the resolve of the rental fee is a part of the terms of the agreement between the Company and KPM. Therefore, the loan to the
-Translation- No. ECF2 005/2019 17 January 2019 Subject: Cancellation of the resolutions of the Board of Directors’ Meeting No. 13/2018 in relation to the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., the investment in the ordinary shares of S-TREK (Thailand) Co., Ltd., capital increase, and the issuance and allocation of the newly issued ordinary shares to the specific person under the private placement basis, and the schedule for 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders...
to this Notification]; (c) contacting with the scheme registrar on behalf of unitholders in Thailand; (6) properly providing any channel to settle the dispute by any other measure other than court
to this Notification]; (c) contacting with the scheme registrar on behalf of unitholders in Thailand; (6) properly providing any channel to settle the dispute by any other measure other than court
price appraised by the independent appraisal. 6) Expected Benefits of the Transaction The Company is in need of working capital for its business operation and liquidity supplement, including to resolve
บุคคลที่จะทําหนาที่เก็บรักษาทองคํา สวนใหญเห็นดวย และมีขอเสนอแนะดังนี ้ 4.1 เสนอใชระบบการ Settle ทองคําแทงในรูป ของใบรับประกันคุณภาพที่ออกโดยผูคาทองใน ประเทศที่มีคณุภาพผานการรับรองจากสํานักงาน
intends to dispose the Common Shares to the Purchaser at the price of 348,567,548 Baht to settle such outstanding debts that PFR has owed to the Purchaser. Number of disposal Common Shares : 1. the common
from the loss in the business of personal loan, mobile phone, and hire purchase. The Company was therefore aware of the problem and decided to resolve so that the future performance returned to normal as