แบ่งก าไรจากการลงทุนในสัดส่วนของบริษทัฯ จ านวน 1,406.6 ลา้นบาท และ สามารถเดินเคร่ืองโดยมีจ านวนชัว่โมงที่สามารถผลิตไฟฟ้าได ้(Contracted Available Hour - CAH) เป็นไป ตามที่ก าหนดไวใ้นสัญญาส าหรับปี 2560
and Construction EVN Electricity of Vietnam Ft Fuel adjustment FX Foreign exchange IPO Initial public offering IU Industrial user JV Joint venture KWh / GWh Kilowatt-hour / Gigawatt-hour MEA
guarantee package for fast installation, 24- hour problem fix, and staff punctuality, as well as value- added services, AIS Fiber continued to lead the industry as a provider of superior service quality. In
2019 stood at 173,602 gigawatts-hour and Thailand’s highest electricity consumption (Peak Demand) in 2019 was at 37,312 megawatts. The power consumption increased by 3.4% compared to the same perio d of
million, following the increase in amount of electricity with a peak of 3,836 MW/hour during May 2019, together with longer period of snow at the beginning of 2018, electricity generation was lower than
trading in the region (Grid Scale), including entering the ASEAN market. Project Electricity Capacity (MW) Steam Production Capacity (Tons per Hour) Contracted PPA with EGAT (MW) SCOD SPP Replacement
commercial operation, it will grant IRPC-CP total project (including Phase 1 and 2) to have capacity of 240 megawatts of electricity and 170 to 300 ton per hour of steam. The project has 2 PPAs with EGAT (Firm
along with 13 tonnes per hour of steam output. The project is extendable for up to an additional every 2 years. Construction works of the project was completed and its operation started on July 20, 2017
Limited, BGRIM started to consolidate the financial statement from March 2019. Glow SPP1 has a production capacity of 124 MW of power, 90 t/hr of stream and 190 cu.m of demineralization water per hour with
, Ratchaburi Province, has approximately 100 megawatts electricity generating capacity and steam generating capacity of 15 tons per hour. It The Project has 25-year Firm Cogeneration PPA with Electricity