กรณีเลวรายอาจทําใหเกิดภาวะเศรษฐกิจถดถอย (Recession) ทําใหอัตราเงินเฟออาจ ไมใชตัวเลขเดียวท่ีตลาดใหความสําคัญในระยะขางหนา โดยเรามองวาตัวเลขโมเมนตัมทางเศรษฐกิจ หรือดัชนี ISM Manufacturing จะตอง ฟ
segment continued declining in 2017 due to intense competition of both animal feed and aquatic feed business in Thailand. Moreover, swine business was declined because of recession in swine price in past 2
). Moreover, the Thai economic outlook would underperform below the baseline projection because; 1. The global economy could enter a severe recession and Thailand’s tourism sector could take a long time to
Public Company Limited and its Subsidiaries Management’s Discussion and Analysis for the year ended 31 March 2020 Executive Summary Thai Economy in the first quarter of 2020 happened into recession due to
remains fragile with the recession risk creating uncertainties in several regions. At the same time, the geopolitical risk continues catalyzing global supply chain disruption and affects industrial supplies
statements / information For the year ended for.............quarter ended Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm ( Financial statements audit ( Financial statements / information review · 1 . Unmodified
Name of auditor affiliated with audit firm Financial statements audit Financial statements / information review 1. Unmodified opinion 2. Qualified opinion due to (can choose more than one): ฆ 2.1
appropriate for the Company to be able to dispose of the assets at a price consistent with the market and industry conditions in the economic downturn. In addition, Land and Buildings thereof is also an asset
the Company to be able to dispose of the assets at a price consistent with the market and industry conditions in the economic downturn. In addition, Land and Buildings thereof is also an asset in the
considered and opined that the determination of such price is appropriate for the Company to be able to dispose the assets at the price consistent with the market and industry conditions in the economic