assets increased as a result of, in Q2 of 2019, having changes in status of the investment from investment in associated company to other long-term investment, by measuring the fair value of the remaining
room inventory in the last quarter of 2019. The common areas including Food and Beverage outlets have been completed with remaining room inventory to be completed mid-year 2020. Consequently, hotel
PETValue Philippines Corporation (the “JV”), whereby IVPPC will hold 70% equity stake of the new joint venture and Coca-Cola Philippines will hold the remaining 30%. The JV will set up a Greenfield
payment of interest at the rate of 3.0 percent per year and a suspension of the payment of the remaining interest for one year and six months, starting from the date of the Bondholders’ Meeting No. 2/2024
until the expiry date of their respective approvals, and will not accept their future application for approval as personnel in the capital market business for the remaining period of the 12-month
Ministry of Finance, with remaining time to maturity not more than one year. In addition, the companies must calculate the market prices of the invested instruments at least every business day to ensure that
total amount not less than 3 percent of the principal value on the issuance date (accounting for 6 million baht). The partial repayment date is proposed to be made on 28 April 2024, and the remaining
company?s investment has not yet reached 50% of the obtained allocation, such remaining amount will be reconsidered for new allocation. Regarding investment restrictions, the funds are allowed to invest
imprisonment, with a two-year suspension of the execution, and a fine of 100,000 baht for violating Section 90 and Section 301 of the SEC Act. The remaining seven offenders ? (1) Chartered Asset Management
with a copy of documents demonstrating the remaining money or assets, calculated in value per unit, to be returned to the trust unitholders, when a copy of financial statements have been submitted to