2019 Change Reason Liquidity Ratio (x) 5.39 5.85 (0.46) Decreased mainly due to current portion of long-term lease liabilities increasing while asset increased less that liabilities increased. Quick
Liquidity Ratio (x) 5.23 4.53 0.70 Increased mainly due to the decline of account payable, while current asset decreased at slower pace. Quick Ratio (x) 1.63 1.93 (0.30) Decreased from lower cash and cash
growth and returns while maintaining our market leadership over the long term. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity” and making KBank the Customers’ Main Bank for all eight customer
license D&A but increasing 11% QoQ. Full-year budgeted CAPEX is maintained as guided at Bt20,000-25,000mn. Since Jan- 19, AIS has adopted TFRS 15 without restatements, which mainly affects cost allocation
achieve sustainable growth and returns while maintaining our long-term market leadership. Guided by our core strategies of “Customers’ Life Platform of Choice” along with “Customer Centricity”, KBank has
enhancement of our business capabilities to achieve sustainable growth and returns while maintaining our long-term market leadership. Guided by our core strategies of “Customer Centricity”, KBank has extended
greenhouse gas emissions. Conducting business with care and consideration for stakeholders, the economy, society, and the environment, guided by morality, ethics, and integrity. Supporting and developing the
short-term loan of Baht 14 million. - 6 - (2.7) Financial Ratios Financial Ratios As at December 31, 2018 As at December 31, 2017 Current Ratio (Times) 1.48 1.30 Quick Ratio (Times) 0.65 0.65 Cash flow
, respectively, and the quick ratio are 2.60 times and 4.30 times, - Translation - JKN GLOBAL MEDIA PUBLIC COMPANY LIMITED Management Discussion and Analysis of the Company’s Performance for the nine-month period
Financial Ratios As at December 31, 2019 As at December 31, 2018 Current Ratio (Times) 1.64 1.48 Quick Ratio (Times) 0.65 0.65 Cash flow Liquidity Ratio (Times) 0.74 0.54 Account Receivable Turnover Ratio