innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
innovative knowledge, creative thinking, and innovative change. A total of 48 staff members from 16 departments (13 teams) participated in the event this year with qualified experts as the judges giving the
1"" 10 J0% non-progressive rate 4. large exposure risk 4 1 "'(0 $ R )' #). (#%I#0# 4 E3K$1. (#%I#0# 4!4 .&. .&.+#-! .&. (#%I#0# 4 3' J00' % /0."). 3 1 .. 54 60 " 10 : ' # Large exposure risk
policies, listed companies in Thailand are being encouraged to be more innovative and enhance their accountability to their shareholders by considering the impact of gender equality and women’s
SHARE : SEC becomes a member of the Task Force on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures forum (TNFD forum) Tuesday 12 March 2024 | No. 59 / 2024 Bangkok, 12 March 2024 – The Securities and Exchange
20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 Securities and Exchange Commission, Thailand Annual Report 2012 SEC ANNUAL REPORT 20122 THE YEAR OF CHANGE The year 2012 was the time for change to become the visionary partner whose balance between proactive and preventive approaches has led to stakeholders’ confidence in the Thai capital market. THE YEAR OF CHANGE 20T H ANNIVERSARY 1 02 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAiRMAN 04 MESSAGE FROM THE SECRETARY-GENERAl 06 SEC BOARd 09 CApiTAl MARkET SupERviSORY BOARd 12 ExECuTivE OFFiCERS 13 O...
issued shares from capital increase of LAC, for the amount of 50 million shares, at the purchase price of CAD 0.85 per share, totaling the investment value of CAD 42.50 million, and signed the following
investment between both capital markets. Both parties also discussed and exchanged regulatory views on the developments and challenges related to supervision of innovative finance and digital assets in
วิชาการด้านการศึกษาทางการบัญชี (Accounting Education Conference: AccEC 2020) “Innovative Learning and Teaching” โดยสภาวิชาชีพบัญชี ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์ จัดขึ้นเป็นครั้งแรก เพื่อพัฒนาอาจารย์ผู้สอนทางการบัญชี
. Save and Close × Home > News/Market Data > SEC News > News Detail × SEC News SHARE : Leaders in responsible investment call for more action on climate finance Tuesday 25