Chaichanajarak, (4) Mr. Nontawat Dhanasuwiwath, colluded to purchase Panacee Grand Hotel Roemerbad (Panacee) in Germany at a significantly higher price than the appraised price based on the market approach. They
Chaichanajarak, (4) Mr. Nontawat Dhanasuwiwath, colluded to purchase Panacee Grand Hotel Roemerbad (Panacee) in Germany at a significantly higher price than the appraised price based on the market approach. They
appraised price based on the market approach. They also colluded to act dishonestly in selling NUSA condominium units in Bangkok at a price lower than the appraised price and transferring funds out of NUSA
2,779,223 3,073,407 3,108,032 3,566,952 Profit (loss) before finace cost and income tax expense 171,579 91,629 (925,969) (2,203,706) Finance costs (71,167) (166,022) (152,358) (128,928) Income tax (expense
and limit to each land, so the official assessment is unlike to the third party assessment. The procession of third party assessment comes from Market Approach which compares offering price and
Selling and administrative expenses 876,828 1,114,444 2,370,976 350,988 Total expenses 3,086,743 3,114,904 4,070,684 962,399 Profit (loss) before finace cost and income tax expense (536,783) (1,008,565
. The value of consideration takes into account the appraisal of the shares of the business by different approaches, i.e. book value approach, adjusted book value approach, price to book value approach
Criteria used to determine asset selling price is referred to the appraisal of the following 3 independent appraisers having the market approach as the method of valuation since it can be traded in property
Directors that the price of this transaction is appropriate. Because hire a financial advisor using Discounted Cash Flow Approach method. By purchase price between Baht 46.38-94.77 millions. The Board of
transaction price of THB 924.90 million is within the appropriate price range as evaluated using the Adjusted Book Value Approach, which is equivalent to THB 912.57 – 937.23 million (Details of the IFA’s