Additional Provisions for Establishment and Management of Mutual Funds under the Mutual Recognition of Funds between Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People?s Republic of China and
and Exchange Commission No. Sor Thor/Nor. 26/2545 Re: Prescribing Factors in Considering the Seriousness of Behavior as Prohibited Characteristics of Persons who are or will be Major Shareholders of the
. Sor Thor/Nor. 26/2545 Re: Prescribing Factors in Considering the Seriousness of Behavior as Prohibited Characteristics of Persons who are or will be Major Shareholders of the Securities Companies. By
Commission No. Sor Thor/Nor. 26/2545 Re: Prescribing Factors in Considering the Seriousness of Behavior as Prohibited Characteristics of Persons who are or will be Major Shareholders of the Securities
Rules for Listing Names of Persons on Database of Directors and Executives of Securities Issuing Companies
Q1/2024 Q2/2024 Q3/2024 Q4/2024 Projection 2024: 2.5% 2025: 3.0% 39 M (Projected) 50 M = million persons Economy SET Index & Forward EPS Source : Bloomberg, data as of May 2024 Source: Bloomberg
-spending is widespread and many people start savings too late. In the future, with growing number of aged population, the problem will become even more pronounced and could affect the country?s financial
According to a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2022 and the SEC’s further investigation, evidence indicates that the 29 persons, namely: (1) Mrs. La-or Tangkaravakoon, (2) Mrs
, Section 313 and Section 315 of the Securities and Exchange Act B.E. 2535 (1992), as the case may be. The SEC has therefore filed the criminal complaint against the two persons with the ECD for consideration
According to a referral from the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) in 2021 and the SEC’s further investigation, evidence indicates that the 11 persons, namely: (1) Mr. Apimuk Bamrungwong, (2) Mr