บัญชี ดังนี้ 1. ผู้สอบบัญชีหลัก (“key audit partner”) ในการพิจารณาการหมุนเวียนผู้สอบบัญชี คณะกรรมการตรวจสอบควรสอบถาม ผู้สอบบัญชีเพื่อให้ทราบถึงผู้ที่ด ารงต าแหน่ง key audit partner ของบริษัท เน่ืองจาก
principal auditor, Does the firm have policies & procedures to ensure the quality of audit work done by the other firm that includes as a part of the engagement such as subsidiary and associate? Please
. Save and Close × Home > News/Market Data > SEC News > News Detail × SEC News SHARE : Thailand SDG Investor Map Identifies SDG Enabling Sectors for Businesses and
> Fundraising > Equity Instrument > Share > Public Offering (PO) Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Equity Instruments Shares Public Offering (PO) Importance is given to good corporate governance as
% Administrative expenses (663.1) (25.7%) (1,083.8) (28.4%) (420.7) 63.5% Other income 489.6 19.0% 199.8 5.2% (289.8) (59.2%) Share of profit (loss) from investment in an associate and joint ventures 83.6 3.2% 20.2
businesses; (3) allow auditors working as an engagement partner of commercial banks to file an application for approval with the SEC Office, disregarding the requirement that such auditors have to perform
: Notification of the resolution of the BODs' Meeting No.10/2018 to approved the signing of the Share Purchase Agreement and Project Development Contract for 109.76MW solar power plant project in Vietnam by the
> Financial Reporting and Audit Oversight > Auditor Supervision > Quality Assurance & Review Regulations SHARE : Detail Content Financial reporting and audit oversight 2. Auditor
Tianjin Botai Zhongxing Trading Co., Ltd. During 2017, Tianjin Botai Zhongxing Trading Co., Ltd., a trading partner of Energy Earth Public Company Limited (“EARTH”), assisted or facilitated
Jiangsu Guanrun Trading Co., Ltd. During 2017, Jiangsu Guanrun Trading Co., Ltd., a trading partner of Energy Earth Public Company Limited (“EARTH”), assisted or facilitated EARTH’s seven ex