through the industrial market. This is in respect to the fairly high degree of competition in the industrial market, and the 4th quarter was a High Season for fuel consumption. As well as, late in the
increase and debenture issuance result in an appropriate capital structure and financial ratio that could be fairly to peers comparison in the same industry as well as support the investment in current and
debt ratio that could be fairly compared to peers in the same industry as well as suppor t the investment in current and future projects. On 28 August 2019, the Extraordinary General Meeting of
possibility to be unable to treat shareholders fairly by giving benefits to any group of shareholders, which will create an advantage over other shareholders or give inappropriately more benefits than other
possibility to be unable to treat shareholders fairly by giving benefits to any group of shareholders, which will create an advantage over other shareholders or give inappropriately more benefits than other
possibility to be unable to treat shareholders fairly by giving benefits to any group of shareholders, which will create an advantage over other shareholders or give inappropriately more benefits than other
of the following manners: 1. having a possibility to be unable to treat shareholders fairly by giving benefits to any group of shareholders, which will create an advantage over other shareholders or
issued shares due to a significant suspicious ground regarding management mechanism in any of the following manners: 1. having a possibility to be unable to treat shareholders fairly by giving benefits to
Reform Priorities in Asia: Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level Taking Corporate Governance to a Higher Level reform priorities in Asia 2011 REFORM PRIORITIES IN ASIA: TAKING CORPORATE GOVERNANCE TO A HIGHER LEVEL 2011 This work is published on the responsibility of the Secretary-General of the OECD. The opinions expressed and arguments employed herein do not necessarily reflect the official views of the Organisation or of the governments of its member countries. This document and any m...