price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2017 was THB 18,690/ton, increased by 15.6% as compared with last year (THB 16,163/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide trend. - HRC cash margin
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March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017, the Company and its subsidiaries had a net profit of Baht 56.52 million or 17.17%. Universal Worldwide Transportation Limited holds 80% of the total number of ordinary
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Bonds Taxonomy is incorporated into most existing taxonomies worldwide as it provides high quality, science-based and politically neutral technical screening criteria. Figure 2. Total green bonds issuance
of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide trend. - HRC cash
2017 - Increasing of HRC price: the average selling price of HRC in year 2018 was THB 20,663/ton, increased by 11% as compared with last year (THB 18,690/ton) according to HRC market price worldwide