digital assets, and lessen chance for people on deception or be at disadvantages as well as allow the public sector to have tools to monitor
digital assets, and lessen chance for people on deception or be at disadvantages as well as allow the public sector to have tools to monitor
considering projected future cash flow on past business performance and taking into account the sensitivity analysis of economic variables to the future performance. 4. Benefit to the Company The Company expect
ไหว (sensitivity analysis) โดยใหเ้ปิดเผยขอ้มูลดงักล่าวผา่นระบบสารสนเทศของตลาดหลกัทรัพยฯ์ ภายใน 14 วนั นอกจากน้ี หากผลการทบทวนสมมติฐานกระทบต่อมูลค่ายติุธรรมของเงินลงทุนและตวัเลขในงบการเงินท่ีเคย น าส่ง
reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement, and to publicly disclose such assumptions and the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET?s Electronic Information System
assumptions and the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET’s Electronic Information System within
the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET's Electronic Information System SEC extends the deadline for PACE clarification
sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET’s Electronic Information System within Microsoft Word
the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET's Electronic Information System SEC extends the deadline for PACE clarification
measurement of its investment reasonableness of the assumptions used in the fair value measurement, and to publicly disclose such assumptions and the sensitivity analysis on significant factors through the SET