147.41 Million Baht subsidiaries was effected by COVID-19 virus, resulting in decline in delivery Unrealized gain from measurement of financial asset of 247.03 Million Baht as adjustment on fair value of
(Difference-in-Differences) และ การทดลองสุ่มแบบมีกลุ่มควบคุม (RCTs) ตลอดจนการคำนวณผลตอบแทนการลงทุนทางสังคม (Social Return on Investment หรือ SROI และการวัดและจัดการผลกระทบ (Impact Measurement & (เผยแพร่เมื่อวัน
million Baht. Gain on reclassification of other comprehensive income of associate 0.36 million Baht. Gain on fair value measurement from changes in status of investment 173.60 million Baht. Cost of
2019 3Q 2019 CONSOLIDATED P&L SNAPSHOT Remark: The Company restates the financial performance starting from 1 August 2018 after the measurement of fair value of Trans.Ad Group’s identifiable assets was
interest rate and the profit from fair value measurement of other current financial assets which is short-term investment amount to Baht 0.08 million including of the profit from the sale of assets for the
(TFRS16) regarding fair value measurement of financial liabilities. 3. As at 30 June 2020, the net hire purchase receivables was Baht 6,223.74 million, increased 0.63% from Baht 6,184.58 million compared to
. In Q2 2020, the Company have arranged the land valuation from previously measurement at cost to fair value, which gains were recognized in revaluation of land in other comprehensive income, and
adequately reduce the risk of spreading even the Company has prepared measurement to control. Moreover, the situation is an event that fluctuates all the time and cannot predict what it will be. As such, after
Administration announcement regarding temporary closing of the premises (Issue 2), the company has considered the safety of all shareholders which attendance the Meeting and to realize the measurement to prevent
value measurement of financial liabilities. 3. As at 31 March 2020, the net hire purchase receivables was Baht 6,394.42 million, increased 3.39% from Baht 6,184.58 million compared to the end of last year