including the following liabilities: (a) subordinated liabilities which is unsecured and is not under the condition permitting the creditor to call for prepayment before the maturity date, only in the portion
) subordinated liabilities which is unsecured and is not under the condition permitting the creditor to call for prepayment before the maturity date, only in the portion of liabilities not exceeding the
) subordinated liabilities which is unsecured and is not under the condition permitting the creditor to call for prepayment before the maturity date, only in the portion of liabilities not exceeding the
million increased of Baht 10,169 million or 1.7 percent due to increases in held-to-maturity debt securities and available-for-sale securities. Compared with the end of December 2017, total assets rose by
Value and Criteria used in determining a transaction’s total value : Extending the maturity period of the loan in the amount of Baht 98.09 million (divided into principal of Baht 94 million and accrued
ค่าธรรมเนียมการจัดการเพิ่มเติมจากท่ีได้ประมาณการไว้ โดยจะไม่เกินอัตราค่าธรรมเนยีมการจัดการรายปีที่ระบุไว้ในหนังสือช้ีชวนเสนอขายหน่วยลงทุน คำอธิบาย • Yield to Maturity อัตราผลตอบแทนจากการลงทุนในตราสาร
ได้ประมำณกำรไว้ โดยจะไม่เกินอัตรำค่ำธรรมเนยีมกำรจัดกำรรำยปีที ระบุไว้ในหนังสือช้ีชวนเสนอขำยหน่วยลงทุน ค าอธิบาย Yield to Maturity อัตรำผลตอบแทนจำกกำรลงทุนในตรำสำรหนี้โดยถือจนครบก่ำหนดอำยุ ซึ งค่ำนวณจำ
youngsters’ knowledge on savings and financial disciplines and cultivate a personal finance ability as a life skill, starting from young ages to grow a strong saving habit in adulthood.
. Cash flows used in investing activities decreased because of receiving the money invested in government bonds at maturity. Cash flow used in financing activities, mostly used for paying annual dividend
money invested in government bonds at maturity. Cash flow used in financing activities, mostly used for paying annual dividend. From the following reasons concluding that the operating results of the