170.45 142.90 27.54 Gross profit margin 15.33% 13.51% 1.82% Other income 4.77 3.67 1.09 Selling expenses 2.66 4.73 (2.07) Administrative expenses 80.76 84.95 (4.19) Earnings before interest and tax 91.79
period last year. The company’s profit from continuing operations was THB 11,105 million, increased byTHB 3,571 million from the same period last year, and the profit margin for the year ended December 31
profit 25.35 44.08 31.23 -12.85 -29.15 5.88 23.20 Profit (Loss) from exchange rate 0.12 1.19 0.54 -0.65 -54.62 0.42 350.00 Other Income 1.26 2.13 2.1 -0.03 -1.41 0.84 66.67 Gain from bargain purchase 33.64
109.25% Income tax expenses (revenues) 2.37 4.83 -2.46 -50.96% Profit for the year 305.26 142.19 163.07 114.69% Unrealized gain on revaluation of investment held as available-for-sale 1.26 - 1.26 100
had cost of sales of 27 -83 million Baht. The Company's Gross Profit was 8.30 million Baht, reflecting Gross Profit Margin af 22.82o/o, decreasing from the period of previous year which had a Gross
decrease was derived from engineering service, solar energy, and Trading business. • Overall gross profit margin decreased from 13.3% to 9.1% amount Baht (24.09) million. 2019 2018 Revenue 383.44 443.08
result Million Baht 2019 2018 Sales 1,748.29 1,905.09 Cost of Sales 1,636.11 1,756.98 Gross Margin 112.17 148.11 Gain (loss) on exchange rates 38.44 (26.43) Other Incomes 33.76 30.28 Total Revenues
result Million Baht 2018 2017 Sales 1,905.09 1,849.88 Cost of Sales 1,756.98 1,621.03 Gross Margin 148.11 228.85 Gain (loss) on exchange rates (26.43) 23.44 Other Incomes 30.28 27.42 Total Revenues
Profit was 8.92 million Baht, reflecting Gross Profit Margin of 20.78%, decreasing from the period of previous year which had a Gross Profit Margin of 28.53%. This decrease in Gross Profit Margin was
604,699 -11% 473,402 14% 853,833 -37% Profit (loss) before loss on impairment of investment in subsidiary, interest and income tax 15,488 (39,320) 139% (4,437) 449% 233,778 -93% Margin 3% -7% -1% 27% Profit