bad debt and doubtful accounts was mainly from the expansion of our loan portfolio and increased in writing off the bad debt. Moreover, the Company has developed a new collection to improve debt
café sales and higher income from foreign tourists. In addition, the Company has shown the ability to manage costs efficiently. N E T P R O F I T a n d N E T P R O F I T M A R G I N : Executive S U M M A
to 1) expand Export Branded Business sales; 2) improve work processes in all areas for higher efficiency; 3) strictly control and reduce costs and expenses; 4) ramp up asset utilization to manage fixed
income. The income base has been expanded to include rental property business as it is one way to efficiently manage the Company’s assets while purchasing power is decreasing as well as to reduce risks
according to the resolution of the general meeting 1/2019 in the amount of THB 41.6 MB. And net profit of year 2019 increased THB 37.2 MB The Company plan to improve the profit margin and has a road map for
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